February 2022
Garnering Support for the Civics Secures Democracy Act & Coalition Updates
Inside this newsletter:
  Call to Action: Civics Secures Democracy Act
  Check Out What’s New at CivXNow.org
  Economic Stability Requires Robust Civic Education
  Welcoming New Members to the CivXNow Advisory Council
  March 10 All-Member Meeting
  New Coalition Members
Call to Action: Civics Secures Democracy Act
The Civics Secures Democracy (CSD) Act represents a generational investment in K–12 civic education. Its passage in the 117th Congress is essential to strengthen our constitutional democracy. CSD prioritizes the teaching of civics and American history in our nation’s schools and reverses chronic underinvestment with grants to districts, states, colleges and universities, and education nonprofits.
Since its introduction last March, the CivXNow Policy Team, in partnership with the 200-plus organizational members of the Coalition, have worked furiously with our chief co-sponsors to build on CSD’s bicameral, bipartisan backing. Most recently, we negotiated changes to the bill centered on its fiscal impact, securing spending offsets that make CSD deficit neutral.
In order for the revised bill to be reintroduced, we need to secure additional Democratic and Republican co-sponsors in both the House and Senate to signify its strong bipartisan resonance and urgency. The CivXNow Policy team is continuously scheduling and hosting meetings with potential co-sponsors, inviting many of you from their states and districts to provide an on-the-ground perspective of how CSD will benefit local students, teachers, schools, and districts.
This grasstops outreach will proceed in earnest, but we desperately need your help at the grassroots level. Your emails and phone calls to the offices of your Senators and Representatives underline the importance of CSD to constituents and increase the likelihood that they’ll co-sponsor the bill and support it once it’s considered on the floor.
Our new CSD advocacy toolkit makes this outreach easier than ever before. Note: The previous toolkit (Google Site) has been archived and all information can now be found at CivXNow.org.
The civic education community has never been closer to earning a federal investment commensurate with civics' value to our constitutional democracy. With your help, we can push the Civics Secures Democracy Act across the finish line this year. The clock is ticking on the 117th Congress and its legislative calendar is shrinking. Email your Senators and Representatives today!
Check Out What’s New at CivXNow.org
We’ve added new resources to the CivXNow website to support Coalition members and advocates for civic education.
  On-Demand Webinar: New Civics Secures Democracy (CSD) Act Advocacy Toolkit released! Watch the recording for a recap of the results of our state policy scan and demo of the new online advocacy toolkit.
  Interactive Map: Track current legislation and pending state bills. Use this FREE tool to help monitor bills in your state, including which legislators are sponsoring the bill, profiles of bill sponsors, and actions taken on each bill.
Economic Stability Requires Robust Civic Education
Is Democracy Failing and Putting Our Economic System at Risk?—a paper by William Galston and Elain Kamarck’s, published by the Governance Studies program at The Brookings Institution and the States United Democracy Center—explores an economic argument for democracy:
The rule of law and democracy are crucial to capital markets. A free market balanced by a democratically elected, transparent and capable government, and a strong civil society (“an inclusive regime”) yield stable growth rates and greater social welfare. Conversely, threats to democracy are threats to the private sector, which is why business leaders and institutional investors cannot afford to remain on the sidelines when such threats emerge.
Utilize our one-pager for the business community to share calls to action for business leaders to support civic and economic strength through the passage of CSD.
Welcoming New Members to the CivXNow Advisory Council
The work of CivXNow is guided by the thought leadership of our Advisory Council who generously give of their time and expertise to our civic learning movement. We are pleased to announce two new members to the Council.
Please join us in welcoming Christopher Riano, President of the Center for Civic Education, and Janet Tran, Director of The Center for Civics, Education, and Opportunity at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute. We’re thrilled to add Christopher and Janet’s leadership and talents to the CivXNow team!
  Christopher Riano
Janet Tran
March 10 All-Member Meeting
Join us for the next CivXNow Coalition All-Member meeting on Thursday, March 10, from 2:00–3:00 p.m. Eastern / 11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Pacific. We will hear policy updates, present new tools for taking action, and meet within small groups to discuss federal policy advocacy efforts, research, messaging/PR strategy, and coalition building.
  All-Member Meeting
If you are not yet registered for our recurring monthly meetings, please sign-up here. Meetings are held on the second Thursday of every other month: March, May, July, September, and November 2022.
Meet the Newest CivXNow Coalition Members
The CivXNow Coalition is growing fast. We now stand at more than 200 member organizations. The latest additions include:
  18by Vote
  New Jersey Center for Civic Education
  Oklahoma Civic Learning Coalition
  Utah 3Rs Project
  Utah Civic Learning Collaborative
  WPS Institute
The Coalition remains deeply appreciative of member efforts and of all we have accomplished together. Our goal is to aggregate and activate large networks of support to expand and re-imagine civic education as a force for civic strength. To our Coalition members, thank you for your partnership.
If you are part of an organization interested in joining the Coalition or learning more, please contact us at CivXNow@icivics.org.
Our Mission
CivXNow is a coalition of partners from diverse viewpoints working to create a culture shift that elevates civic education and engagement as a national priority in order to protect and strengthen America’s constitutional democracy. This includes building a shared commitment to ensure that all young people are prepared to assume their rights and responsibilities to participate in civic life and address the issues facing students, their families, and communities in our increasingly dynamic, polarized, and digital society.
To achieve this goal, CivXNow advocates for bipartisan federal and state legislation that supports implementation of state and local policies that reimagine and deliver relevant, inclusive, and engaging K-12 civic learning, both in- and out-of-school.
A Team Effort
The CivXNow team produces this newsletter each month.
We are grateful for the energy, time, and guidance of the CivXNow Advisory Council and to many, many others who support individual projects.
The important work of CivXNow is generously funded by Carnegie Corporation of New York,
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and The Robert R. McCormick Foundation.
Follow us and use #CivXNow to join the movement!
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6‌17-3‌56-8‌311 | www.iCivics.org