Dear Teacher,
March 2 is going to be a historic day. iCivics’ Youth As Civics Experts Network will lead a Tweet-Out to engage their peers across the country in a conversation about civic education and civic action in their lives, schools, and communities. This will be the start of iCivics’ first ever student-led, student-run social media campaign with the goal of elevating student voice and connecting students with each other.
How your students can participate:
1.   Select a question to answer during the Tweet-Out:
  How can we improve civic education so that all students can use what they learn in class in real life?
  What does an equitable civic education look like?
  What do students in your community need to know in order to be informed and engaged citizens?
  Why do you need to learn about politics, government, and social justice issues?
2.   Encourage students to join the discussion on Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok on March 2. BE CREATIVE!
3.   Flood the #CivicsForUS hashtag with student voices!
4.   Better yet…don’t tell us, SHOW us. Most students can’t vote yet, but it doesn’t mean they don’t care about their communities. Have your students post about how they volunteer, engage civically, or create change in their communities.
Students have great ideas and we’re ready to listen. We hope your students will help lead this important discussion.
Amber Coleman-Mortley
Director of Social Engagement, iCivics
P.S. Hey, 👋, you can help highlight great student civic engagement in the wild! Follow our student voice accounts on Twitter and Instagram and share what your students are doing using #CivicsForUS!
Accounts to Follow:
Twitter: @CivicExperts
Instagram: @YouthAsCivicExperts
Hashtag: #CivicsForUS
Learn more about the Youth As Civic Experts Network here!
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